புதன், 18 ஆகஸ்ட், 2010

Education for tribal communities

Education for tribal Communities

Under National Child Labour Project  we have selected ten hamlets in Sathyamangalam and Bargur territory Tamilnadu India and about 500 childeren are now under going education in our fold. These children seen above have under gone pathetic child labour bondage. Now we get tears of joy for having sucessfully brought this children under the shadow of trees of wisdom. We remember at this moment the valuable slogan"any spiritual word is vulgar when you see a child in hunger".

We have broguht them out from darkness to glittering light.

What is there in your store to dress the other needs of this smiling children ???????

with true love and best regards

To walk arm in arm wih our stainless service :
22 Extension Street No.3
Sathyamangalam 638 402.